By The Manila Times, September 13, 2021; The Manila Times

THE Department of Science and Technology (DoST) conducted a research survey to evaluate if telecommuting schemes in government organizations could work for better productivity.

The DoST study aims to identify and differentiate preferred telecommuting schemes of government workers as well as determine significant factors that either promote or inhibit telecommuting success; whether telecommuting is preferred over office work and identify reasons for the preference. Likewise, this project will determine the willingness of government workers to adopt telecommuting as a work arrangement option after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The team used a survey disseminated to all government institutions. The data collection was from May to August 2021.

This project, Telecommuting Preferences of Government Workers in the Philippines, led by Dr. Rowena Paz L. Gelvezon, DoST-NRCP member of the Division of Social Sciences. It is one of the three projects under the program, Conduct of a National Work from Home Experience (WFH) in the Philippine Public Sector.

The participants / beneficiaries of this study are employees and employers of LGUs, SUCs, and GOCCs (i.e., telecommutingas a Human Resource scheme), legislative bodies (i.e., policies anchored on scientific & empirical evidence), and the executive offices (i.e., implementing guidelines anchored on scientific & empirical evidence), funding agencies and the academe & other researchers.