The Good Governance Website is an initiative of the NEDA Governance Staff to monitor the country’s performance in relation to various international indices that measures performance related to the governance and administration of justice sectors.
At present, there is no singular website that showcases the 2017-2022 Philippine Development Plan (PDP) under Governance and Administration of Justice including its accompanying documents—Results Matrix and Public Investment Program—as well as the analysis on these sectors’ challenges and ways forward.
Given the NEDA’s mandate of formulating the PDP and monitoring its development targets, and the role of the NEDA Governance Staff in the Inter-Agency Committee on Good Governance, the Governance Staff developed a Good Governance Website that will regularly track and monitor the status of the good governance strategies as initially indicated in the PDP-RM under said sector of concern.
For easier access and reference, the website also contains brief analyses, links and resources to various existing governance indicators such as the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), Open Government Partnership (OGP), and Ease of Doing Business (EoDB), to name a few.
Under NEDA’s organizational rationalization, the Governance Staff (GovS) was created and lodged under the National Development Office for Policy and Planning. The key responsibilities of the GovS are the following:
- Develop guidelines and provide technical staff support in the preparation, monitoring and assessment of the governance framework of the national development plan
- Conduct policy reviews on governance and institutions development
- Conduct studies on translating universal governance concepts of accountability, transparency into practical terms more suitable to the Philippine setting
- Develop/Enhance governance indicators to better keep track of plan and policy implementation and gauge agency performance
- Conduct short term assessment or rapid appraisal of governance-related issues/concerns in the public sector and suggesting concrete measures to address them
- Conduct policy-oriented research in order to come up with recommendations to change/modify existing policies or programs or adopt other interventions
- Provide technical assistance in terms of preparing think papers, position papers and policy advice on emerging governance issues
- Provide representation to the various councils, technical working groups and inter-agency committees concerned with the governance sector
- Provide technical and secretariat support to the Inter-Agency Committee on Good Governance
The organizational set-up of the GovS was generally completed by the first quarter of 2014, when the key officials and officers were put in place. To ensure a common and clear direction for the GovS, aligned with expectations and priorities of NEDA management, the Staff conducted its Strategic and Operational Planning Workshop last August 2014.
The Staff is divided into three divisions with the following functions:
Administrative Governance Division
- Provide technical staff support in coordinating the formulation of, national plans, policies and projects related to public sector reform, integrity development/ anti-corruption, private sector interface, local participation and community empowerment, civil society involvement consistent with national development objectives, goals and strategies;
- Conduct studies on issues affecting implementation of plans, policies and projects related to public sector reform and integrity development/anti-corruption and recommend solutions thereto;
- Evaluate and reviews proposed programs and projects in promoting meritocracy in the civil service, improving service delivery by cutting red tape, streamlining of regulations and providing a competitive investment/business climate in close consultation with sectoral agencies concerned;
- Coordinate the formulation of criteria for the prioritization of programs and projects in the administrative governance sub-sector;
- Monitor administrative governance subsector performance using an appropriate performance indicator system;
- Provide technical assistance to concerned Staffs and the NROs, and relevant government and donor agencies in the identification, development and evaluation/prioritization of programs and projects in the administrative governance Sub-sector;
- Conduct policy-oriented research to come up with recommendations;
- Provide technical and secretariat support to the Inter-Agency Committee on Development Administration and Planning Committee on Governance and its TWGs in consultation with concerned Staffs/NROs as needed;
- Provide representation to the various councils, technical working groups and interagency committees concerned with public sector reform, integrity development, civil society involvement;
- Perform other related functions as maybe assigned by the Director and Assistant Director.
Political Governance Division
- Provide technical staff support in coordinating the formulation of national plans, policies and projects related to judicial reforms, electoral reforms and constitutional reforms consistent with national and sectoral development goals, objectives and strategies;
- Evaluate and conduct studies on issues affecting the implementation of plans, policies and projects related to judicial, electoral and constitutional reforms, and recommend solutions thereto;
- Evaluate and review proposed programs and projects in the political governance sub-sector in coordination with the NROs and in close consultation with the sectoral agencies concerned;
- Coordinate the formulation of criteria for the prioritization of programs and projects in the political governance sub-sector;
- Monitor the political governance sub-sector performance using an appropriate performance indicator system;
- Provide technical assistance to concerned Staffs and NROs, and relevant government and donor agencies in the identification, development and evaluation/prioritization of programs and projects in the political governance sub-sector;
- Provide representation to the various councils, technical working groups and interagency committees concerned with the political governance sub-sector;
- Perform other related functions as maybe assigned by the Director and Assistant Director.
Development Research Division
- Promote the utilization of knowledge capital and other technologies to end-users;
- Provide technical staff support for sensing changes in the macro and micro environments and for advising on actions needed to adapt strategically to these changes;
- Advocate, communicates and disseminates national and regional plans, policies, thrusts and priorities affecting regional development;
- Coordinate the formulation of advocacy and communication plans and IEC materials with concerned agencies;
- Establish and maintain knowledge and productivity network with LGUs, RLAs, SUCs and private sector;
- Develop and maintain a system that will serve as repository of processed data and information including library services;
- Maintain and update the NRO and RDC webpages;
- Provides technical assistance/services to line agencies, LGUs, NGOs, PSOs, SUCs and other regional bodies/ entities on knowledge management;
- Provide technical support to the Regional Development Council;
- Oversee and/or conduct studies and researches on various aspects of regional development;
- Coordinate the formulation of policy studies and research agenda;
- Coordinate statistical and information development activities.
Statement of Strategic Intent
Be recognized as exemplary governance champions and primemovers, collaborating with key stakeholders in shaping governance environment in the public sector, upscaling adoption and sustaining good governance initiatives for inclusive growth, equitable and sustainable development
Key Roles
In the endeavor to be recognized as exemplary governance champions and primemovers, the GovS shall undertake the following key roles:
- Strategic Advisors (technical guidance and support);
- Program and Policy Analyst/ Advocates (on governance, human rights based planning and budgeting, regulatory impact assessment);
- Public Sector Governance Systems Specialists (policies, processes, practices); and
- Thought Leaders and Consensus Builders (innovations, best practices, shared platform).
Strategic Goal 1
Strengthen performance management and accountability across key sectors and institutions
Strategic Intent 1: | Establish the National Government Indicators System (NGIS) |
Strategic Intent 2: | Mainstream good governance principles and elements in development planning, program/project review, monitoring and evaluation as well as strengthen linkages and alignment of planning and budgeting. |
To establish the NGIS, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Spearhead and engage key stakeholders in the development of good governance indicators for the public sector;
- Collaborate with the Philippine Statistical Authority and key stakeholders (e.g. academic and resource institutions) in the design of a user-friendly, reliable system;
- Facilitate phased institutionalization of the NGIS in all levels;
- Coordinate and support the conduct of capacity building and capacity development initiatives for various stakeholders; and
- Undertake periodic review and assessment of NGIS effectiveness, reliability, and integrity.
To mainstream good governance principles and elements in development planning, program/project review, monitoring, and evaluation as well as strengthen linkages and alignment of planning and budgeting, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Develop principle-based standards and framework for good governance;
- Ensure the governance chapter in the Medium Term Development Plan is substantially sound, captures viewpoints and priorities of key stakeholders and user-friendly;
- Create and/or adopt tools and templates that will facilitate embedding good governance dimensions in the process of planning, program/project review, monitoring, and evaluation as well as in strengthening planning-budgeting linkages and alignment;
- Develop technical guidance notes to enable and assist stakeholders to develop plans, program documents, and reports that effectively integrate good governance dimensions;
- Form a pool of champions and learning coaches (inter-staff and inter-agency Governance Movers) to accelerate mainstreaming of governance dimensions in key processes and documents; and
- Undertake periodic review and assessment to capture lessons learned, innovations and best practices.
Strategic Goal 2
Fully engage and mobilize key stakeholders and development partners involved in good governance and anti-corruption initiatives
Strategic Intent 1: | Maximize stakeholder engagement and inter-agency collaboration in good governance initiatives for the public sector |
Strategic Intent 2: | Enhance synergies between and among bilateral/ multilateral development partners and the GovS |
Strategic Intent 3: | Provide technical assistance and support to NEDA-relevant government programs and initiatives related to anti-corruption |
To maximize stakeholder engagement and inter-agency collaboration in good governance initiatives for the public sector, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Establish multi-modality mechanisms to engage stakeholders in the development and review of governance policies and programs;
- Intensify sectoral voice by creating sectoral and stakeholder reference groups for the NEDA;
- Formalize the NEDA and the GovS participation in the Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster;
- Create a good governance inter-agency technical advisory committee to serve as a vehicle for review, enhancement and/or development of good governance policies and programs; and
- Form a network of experts and specialists on governance and related initiatives.
To enhance synergies between and among bilateral/ multilateral development partners and the GovS, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Establish mechanisms for continuing dialogue and knowledge-experience sharing on good governance initiatives, best practices, and innovations;
- Spearhead the development of collaborative platform on development assistance for good governance programs and initiatives; and
- Ensure alignment with the Philippine Development Plan and the NEDA governance framework of country assistance strategies and major programs of development partners.
To provide technical assistance and support to NEDA-relevant government programs and initiatives related to anti-corruption, the following key tasks shall be undertaken by the PGD:
- Formalize the NEDA and the GovS participation in the Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster; and
- Facilitate monitoring and assessment of the NEDA on the Philippine Government’s commitment under the United Nations Convention against Corruption/UNCAC.
Strategic Goal 3
Contribute to creating an enabling legal, regulatory and policy environment favorable to inclusive growth and sustainable development
Strategic Intent 1: | Ensure that laws, policies, rules and regulations integrate governance dimensions and address strategic governance issues or challenges |
Strategic Intent 2: | Institutionalize a robust Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) system |
Strategic Intent 3: | Strengthen good governance arrangements, processes and practices in key priority sectors and institutions |
To ensure that laws, policies, rules and regulations integrate governance dimensions and address strategic governance issues or challenges, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Create a pool of Governance Focals, across NEDA sector staffs, who will serve as thought leaders and sector governance advisors;
- Engage legislative staff and policy development actors for driving passage of priority bills;
- Undertake continuing and periodic sectoral policy dialogues on good governance best practice models, effective innovations and emerging trends/challenges; and
- Advocate and promote integration of substantive good governance dimensions, related actionable and key messages in laws, policies, rules and regulations.
To institutionalize a robust RIA system, the following key tasks shall be undertaken, under the leadership of the Director of the GovS:
- Spearhead benchmarking and conduct of capacity development initiatives to enhance NEDA readiness for RIA operationalization;
- Develop a context-sensitive country framework and roll-out plan for RIA;
- Organize a learning network and twinning arrangements for institutions and agencies with RIA initiatives (current and new);
- Undertake periodic review and assessment of pilot RIA implementation;
- Develop learning packages for capacity development and institutionalization of RIA in all government agencies; and
- Roll out RIA in all government agencies.
To strengthen good governance arrangements, processes and practices in key priority sectors and institutions, the following key tasks shall be undertaken:
- Undertake governance assessment studies on priority sectors and institutions;
- Collaborate with key stakeholders in designing a governance capacity diagnostic tool for key sectors and institutions;
- Develop good governance framework and guideposts for priority sectors;
- Spearhead the crafting of a Road Map for governance reform in key priority sectors and public sector institutions;
- Establish a multi-sectoral pool of governance coaches to provide technical guidance and support as well as shepherd the governance reform process; and
Install and support multi-modality knowledge and experience sharing mechanisms among key priority sectors and public sector institutions.
Rule of Law and Fairness
Adherence and promotion of human rights and the rule of law is the foundation for human well-being, social justice and equitable socioeconomic development.
Institutions must ensure that laws and policies are supportive of international human rights norms, standards and commitments, equally and consistently enforced, and independently adjudicated.
Development needs to be both inclusive and sustainable. Achieving these will require institutions to create enabling, gender-responsive, non-discriminatory and unbiased environments which will provide equitable opportunities for everyone to contribute in a meaningful way and equally benefit from inclusive growth and socioeconomic development.
Participation, Openness and Transparency
The Philippine Constitution espouses the right to effective and reasonable participation in all levels, as well as the public’s right to information on matters of public concern.
Public participation and stakeholder engagement builds trust and credibility and a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for decisions made.
Institutions maximize public participation and stakeholder engagement by creating enabling mechanisms for dialogue and collaboration. Through timely and appropriate disclosure, ease of access to relevant information and user-friendly mechanisms for public scrutiny and effective feedback, institutions ensure an engaged and well-informed citizenry.
Performance-Orientation and Accountability
High performing public sector organizations are results-based and outcomes-focused.
They ensure effective, efficient and responsive implementation of programs, projects and initiatives. They foster innovation, promote continuous learning and change, embed appropriate tracking, assessment, knowledge and experience-sharing mechanisms and processes.
Leadership and Stewardship
Effective leadership is the cornerstone of good governance.
Institutions require leaders with strategic vision who will steer and drive organizational performance, inspiring a sense of purpose and direction. They set the climate for continuous improvement, adaptive and collaborative management. Leading by example, they encourage lawful and prudent use of power, proper and judicious use of resources to uphold and promote public interest and well-being.
Ethics and Probity
Upholding public trust and confidence is a key accountability of public sector institutions.
Everyone must act with honesty, integrity, impartiality and uprightness; his/her behavior must embody and exemplify ethical principles, standards and positive values
Service-Orientation and Responsiveness
Meeting client needs, interests and concerns, and serving them with utmost responsibility, loyalty and efficiency is the essence of public service. Public office is a public trust. It demands answerability for actions and decisions made.
Institutions must create and sustain a culture characterized by high degree of client-focus, ethical professionalism, gender and cultural sensitivity for maximum client satisfaction.
They need to develop robust and appropriate systems, mechanisms and processes to ensure timely, adequate and high quality service, as well as conformance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Across institutions, alignment, coherence, and synergies should be promoted and maintained.